Anu Ambasna is a British-Asian multi-disciplinary Artist, DJ and Broadcaster. Born in London, Anu’s self-taught artistic practice focuses on building worlds through her intricate hand drawn comics and illustrations, which act as a diary of sorts. She takes inspiration from the mundane and often difficult aspects of life, with humour and satire centered in everything she creates. The protagonists of Anu’s comics and illustrations are playful and sometimes strange to the eye and often features paunchy brown bodies, with themes of family, identity, music and club culture filtering through.
Anu’s inquisitive and explorative approach to all of her practices can be seen throughout her well researched work, which often references and pays homage to the past. She has a keen interest in Japanese music and graphic design which she explores through her visual art, radio shows and DJ sets.
In 2021, Anu released her first long-form comic, Corporate Fatigue, commissioned by East London Comic and Arts Festival. That same year, she self-published her first zine, “I’m not busy, but I’m not free” - a collection of comics and illustrations created over the past 10 years, which is now stocked in several locations in the UK including the ICA, South London Gallery and Gosh! Comics. Her work has been exhibited in London and Germany. Recent clients include WePresent, It’s Nice That, gal-dem, the BBC & Glastonbury Festival. Anu has also hosted comic workshops for the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and the Believer Magazine.
Anu’s inquisitive and explorative approach to all of her practices can be seen throughout her well researched work, which often references and pays homage to the past. She has a keen interest in Japanese music and graphic design which she explores through her visual art, radio shows and DJ sets.
In 2021, Anu released her first long-form comic, Corporate Fatigue, commissioned by East London Comic and Arts Festival. That same year, she self-published her first zine, “I’m not busy, but I’m not free” - a collection of comics and illustrations created over the past 10 years, which is now stocked in several locations in the UK including the ICA, South London Gallery and Gosh! Comics. Her work has been exhibited in London and Germany. Recent clients include WePresent, It’s Nice That, gal-dem, the BBC & Glastonbury Festival. Anu has also hosted comic workshops for the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and the Believer Magazine.